Here’s the lesson list for this course: Math 8 LessonList.pdf
Here is theRay’s New Elementary Algebra, which we will use occasionally, but not extensively:
Links to Problem Sets, Exam, and Solutions
Math 8 ProblemsGroup1.pdf
Math 8 SolutionsGroup1.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam1.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam1Key.pdf
Math 8 ProblemsGroup2.pdf
Math 8 SolutionsGroup2.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam2.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam2Key.pdf
Math 8 ProblemsGroup3.pdf
Math 8 SolutionsGroup3.pdf
Grade 8 Math midtermexam.pdf
Grade 8 Math midtermexamkey.pdf
Math 8 ProblemsGroup4.pdf
Math 8 SolutionsGroup4.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam4.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam4Key.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam5.pdf
Grade 8 Math Exam5Key.pdf
Grade 8 Math FinalExam.pdf
Grade 8 Math FinalExamKey.pdf