Lesson 1: Overview of This Course
I assume that you have taken my ABC course: Academic Basics Course.
You should be practicing your speed reading for 10 minutes a day. A good program to use is Spritz.http://www.spritzinc.com
I assume that you have a YouTube channel and a WordPress.com blog or a competing blog hosting site. These are important for your weekly assignments. You must become familiar with these technologies.
You need a decant microphone for your YouTube channel. The best one for the money is the Audio-Technica ATR3350. It is a lapel mic.
I assume that you have an Evernote account for note-taking, file, and retrieval. You should use it for the rest of your life.
If you do not have a copy of Scrivener, you are making a mistake. Download a free trial copy here. Use it for 30 days. I think you will buy it.
I assume that you have taken Prof. Timothy Terrell’s course on personal finance. I also assume that you have taken Government 1. If you have not taken these two courses, you can still handle this course, but you probably will not get as much out of it.
The structure of this course is the same as the other social science and humanities courses. There will be 180 lessons. Each lesson will include a video lecture.
Weekly lessons conform to a 4/1 pattern: four days of readings and new material, plus one day of review. On that day, there is a writing assignment, but no reading assignment. Each writing assignment should be posted on your blog.
There will be a textbook. You will not have to pay for it. It is in PDF format. You will download it, put it in a 3-hole binder, mark it up, and save extracts on Evernote.
There will be readings from websites other than this one.
You are expected to spend an average of one hour a day on each lesson, as you would if you were taking a high school course in a bricks-and-mortar school. There will not be any homework.
This is an introduction to my view of how the world works economically.