The first step in starting a successful business is to have the proper motivation.
If you can sell, you can start a business and make it profitable. If you cannot sell, your business will not succeed.
In this course, I will teach you how to sell. Then I will teach you how to start a business.
I have generated millions of dollars for myself since I began my publishing business in 1974. I will show you how I did this.
I will teach you advertising techniques that I have sold for $5,000 per company in a six-day, all-day seminar. Three-man teams of businessmen came from around the country. They spent hotel money, transportation money, food money, and spent valuable time.
It will cost your parents $50.
I was trained to be a scholar. I earned a Ph.D. in 1972. I had to teach myself the basics of business. If I had taken a course like this one, I would have made fewer mistakes and a lot more money. But no such course like this existed in 1974.
This is not a standard high school course.
Unlike other courses in this curriculum, this course requires that you buy nine books. Authors usually do not give away valuable information on how to make money. You may have to spend $70, depending on whether cheap used copies are still available on Amazon for under $5, including shipping. The books that I will assign were written for adults with their own businesses — highly motivated people. If you are not highly motivated today, take this course as a senior. But you will profit most from it if you take it as a freshman . . . if you are motivated.
To assess your motivation, watch this TED video.
Success is not a free resource. You are going to have to pay to attain it: in commitment, hard work, and courage. You must count the cost. I will help you to count it accurately.
Now you are ready for my first lesson.