If you have come this far, you probably have the motivation to be successful at starting and running a business.
Maybe you need more motivation. Watch this. This is not just what’s coming. It is already here.
In the age of automation, what’s scarce are problem-solving skills. Software and robotics are good with set situations and routines, but not so good at responding to unique situations. If someone wants a high-wage job in a profitable sector, one avenue is to become a better problem-solver.The best way to become a better problem solver is to start a small enterprise yourself, because the entrepreneur–even the smallest scale entrepreneur selling on Etsy or perfoming some service in the community–must solve a wide range of problems on a daily basis.
To complete this course, you will have to set up a website using WordPress.org software. It is free. Second, you will have to register a domain name ($14 a year). Third, you will also have to rent a website hosting service ($6/month).
That comes later. Today, you must sign up for a free WordPress.com site. Maybe you already have one.
At the end of each week, the fifth lesson assigns an essay. You must write it. Then you must post it on your WordPress.com blog. Then you must post a link to the essay on the Business I forum.
This is required in every social studies and humanities course. Do not neglect these weekly assignments. I am serious about this. I designed the format for the Ron Paul Curriculum. The weekly posting of essays is part of the curriculum. So is posting the essay links in the forums.
You must tell a parent when your site is up and running. Do not neglect this.
Second, at some point, you will have to learn Microsoft Office (expensive) or Libre Office (free). These include a word processor, a spreadsheet, a presentation graphics porogram, and a data base for mailing lists. If you decide to learn Libre Office, you can get free tutorials here.
Third, let’s take it to the next step: your personality type.
Are you an ambivert: in between an introvert and extrovert? These people make good salesmen. (I am one of them.) To take the test, click here. It is based on Daniel Pink’s book, To Sell Is Human, which I recommend (except for Chapter 8).Next, take the positivity ratio test. The best salesmen are 3 to 1. (I am a 2.5.) The test is here.
Next, take the strengths and weaknesses test. Ignore the ads. The test is here.
Finally, take another business personality test. Ignore the ads. The test is here.
If you plan to go into business, you had better not be passive. You had better not be shy. If you are either, you must adjust your habits to overcome restrictions placed on you by your personality. Personality is not destiny, but it does place limits on you. You had better recognize these limits early.
Note: most people will never go into business. They do not have the personality for it. They are unwilling to adjust. They want to stay in their comfort zone, or just beyond it . . . occasionally. They want the supposed security of a salary. That security no longer exists. All of this is a major barrier to entry. This decreases competition to those who decide to take the step of beginning a business. They test the waters.