Use the list of questions below for the impromptu practice sessions this week.
1. Introduce yourself to an audience in 2 minutes or less.
2. Which school subject do you enjoy the most, and what is your favorite assignment from the class?
3. What is your favorite holiday of the year, and why?
4. If you could have any animal in the world for a pet, what would you choose? How would you care for this animal?
5. If you could bring to life any fictional character from a book or movie, whom would you choose?
6. What is the most exciting thing you have ever witnessed?
7. If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 2 things would you want to bring with you? They can not be transportation related.
8. What is the greatest lesson in life you have ever learned?
9. If you were given the opportunity to apprentice under any person, living or dead, from whom would you want to learn?
10. What is one item you own that has almost no monetary value, but has such sentimental value that you would not sell it for $1,000?
11. If you were on an African safari, what would you absolutely have to see for your trip to be complete?
12. What is a major problem either in the United States, or somewhere else in the world, that you think we will have solved within twenty years?