It is important when giving any speech that you convey the purpose of your speech. There are several main categories that the purpose of your speech can fall into. This week you will be working on an informative speech, that also adds in your opinion on a subject.
The most important learning point from this week is how to make sure to keep your speech on point. It all begins and ends with the thesis. If your points support the thesis, you will have a good speech. If they do not, no matter how polished you sound, the speech will not work.
Today’s assignment is first to choose the topic of your speech. Use Google News or another major news site and find several headlines that sounds interesting. Pick a topic of national importance or interest.
Then write a thesis, or your opinion of the subject, on which you can build the rest of your speech.
Make sure you make a mind map for the major points of your speech and then put the thoughts into an outline. If you have time, you can begin writing the speech text today. At this stage in the class it is still mandatory that you write out every word of your speech. This will help you feel how the speech fits together as a whole.