There is no video for today’s lesson, as is true of most of the Friday lessons. Implement the tips that you learned in the lessons this week to make as many improvements as you can, as compared to last week’s speech video.
The tips for this week included:
– Finding a natural speaking voice that works for you
– Adding different vocal qualities for different characters in a story
– Make sure that the variations in your vocal presentation are clear; don’t mush characters together
– Have fun with the voices and characters, because your enthusiasm, or lack of interest, will both be
easily evident in the video.
Today you need to record your sixth speech for this class, post the video on your WordPress blog, and then post a link to the blog on the student forums.
Also, you are required to go back and watch the video when you are done. Take note of what you would like to be improving for next week’s speech so that you can be sure to keep improving every week.
This week be specifically working on your voice in the speech. Add different speeds, pitches, and volumes to give interesting variations for your audience. Even if your stories has few characters you can be adding lots of vocal variety in the way you present each one.
And always remember to have fun and smile.