Academic Basic Course (Free for TGC Members)
This 40-lesson course helps students to raise their grades. This includes students who attend a bricks-and-mortar school. Think of this course as an academic life preserver. Any student who enters high school in Grade 9 without a mastery of the study skills I cover in this course is not going to maximize the next four years of formal education. [...]

本課程共有40堂課,幫助學生有效提升成績,包括實體學校就學的學生,可將本課程想像為學術的救生圈。 然而,此課程絕不僅為學術的救生圈。任何進入九年級的學生,若沒有掌握本課程所涵括的學術技能,將無法使未來四年的正規教育成效最大化。此四年是學生掌握自學技能的關鍵時期。對於任何15歲便掌握此技巧的學生而言,大學就不會是陌生的領域[...]

Foundational English
Our Foundational English Course is for older learners. The course covers the 75 phonograms and its rules. Mastering the 75 phonograms and rules will enable you to sound out most words in English. [...]