You have made a wise decision. You have signed up your child in The Good Curriculum.
Here are the benefits.
1. Students learn how to teach themselves. This prepares them for college, and after college life.
2. Students who need help can get it from other students on the forums.
3. Tutors have mastered the material.
4. The teachers are highly qualified and experienced.
5. The academic rigor of the courses is high.
6. The courses combine audio/visual, reading, and writing.
7. Students who are in this program K-12 by age 17 will know how to write far better than most adults do.
8. Students will learn how to speak in public.
9. Students will learn Web technology: blogging, YouTube video production, and screencasting.
10. Students will learn personal finance: saving, consumer debt avoidance, budgeting.
11. There is no “busy work.”
Here are the rules.
1. One membership fee to join the site covers the whole immediate family.
2. The parents agree not to share the password with non-family members.
3. The purchase of a course is on this basis: one course per student. Parents may take it for free.
4. Students are expected to put in adequate time for, lectures, reading, and writing.
5. High school students are expected to post their weekly (Friday) papers on their own blog sites.
6. Parents are responsible for meeting state regulations governing homeschooling.