A curriculum that is based 100% on reading for learning new information ignores necessary components of the learning process. This is why all the grades use daily videos.
Reading is crucial. Students must learn to read faster. They must learn to retain more information. They must also learn to think critically. But reading is only part of the learning process. Students need to visualize problems.
For science and math, they need to be taken through complex procedures. They need to understand the procedures, step by step. No textbook provides this. A textbook must skip too many steps. Otherwise, it would be too big. Daily videos solve this problem.
For the social sciences and humanities, hearing a teacher explain things verbally lets students process new information in another way: sound. A video also adds words and images. This reinforces what is being said.
A classroom environment provides instruction on procedures. A non-video curriculum does not. By providing daily videos, The Good Curriculum fills in the #1 gap in every homeschool program that does not have daily videos.
Videos have a major advantage that classroom instruction lacks. Students can back up a video and watch part of it again. Students may hesitate to ask a classroom teacher to explain something again. They do not want to appear stupid. Also, a teacher has a schedule. He does not want to be slowed down. He does not want too many questions. Students know this. But a video does not care.